Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Childrens by Steve McCurry

His career was launched when, dis­guised in native garb, he crossed the Pak­istan bor­der into rebel-​​controlled Afghanistan just before the Russ­ian inva­sion. When he emerged, he had rolls of film sewn into his clothes of images that would be pub­lished around the world as among the first to show the con­flict there. His cov­er­age won the Robert Capa Gold Medal for Best Pho­to­graphic Report­ing from Abroad, an award ded­i­cated to pho­tog­ra­phers exhibit­ing excep­tional courage and enter­prise. He is the recip­i­ent of numer­ous awards, includ­ing Mag­a­zine Pho­tog­ra­pher of the Year, awarded by the National Press Pho­tog­ra­phers’ Asso­ci­a­tion. That was the same year in which he won an unprece­dented four first prizes in the World Press Photo Con­test. He has won the Olivier Reb­bot Memo­r­ial Award twice.


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